Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I've been tagged

I was tagged by Laurie and my sister-in-law Jenny. The problem is, my life is an open book. I tell absolutely everyone I meet intimate and embarassing details (ones they don't really want to know)! The man at the grocery store, my hair dresser, the poor lady at the gap, the man working at the drive up window. It's scary - I think it may be an actual medical condition. I once had a grade school teacher who told me I had diarrhea of the mouth. That is such a disgusting and graphic term I have never repeated. But, there you go, that is what I have. Here are six facts about me, that even strangers and the man with no teeth trying to sell magazines at my door already know.

1. I went through a very serious "cowboy phase". I owned several pairs of wranglers and boots. I owned a red pair, a turquoise pair, and a black pair (without pockets)!

2. I lay out my clothes, underclothing, jewelry and all before I get in the shower and get dressed. Weird I know!

3. I am afraid of cats. I feel like they are snotty and they hate me. But I love dogs. The bigger the better. I think this means I'm insecure!

4. The first boy who told me he loved me was in 5th grade. His name was Steven and he wrote I love Whitney on one sh0e and I love Brittany (my best friend) on the other shoe. We were happy to share. He dedicated "True Colors" by Cindy Lauper to me on the radio.

5. I once sneaked out of my house in the middle of the night. I actually tried the put the pillows under covers in the shape of your body technique. I came home to find my dad sitting on the couch waiting for me. OOPS!!

6. I hate watermellon. I have tried to pretend like I love it for years. Who in the world doesn't like watermellon?

7. I love sports movies. I watch "Rudy" at least a couple of times a year and I cry everytime. I love "Remember the Titans" and any other feel good sports movie!


Anonymous said...

You looked good in those Wranglers!Aren't they what caught Steve's eye? It's okay if you don't like watermelon. I hate strawberries. Let's go get some chocolate instead :-)

Jennie said...

David doesn't like Watermelon either. I am telling you, you guys are foos twins. It's weird... :)

Ashlee said...

I didn't know any of those things about you! Ava hates watermelon- so, you're not alone. :) I wish I could see a picture of those jeans... POST ONE! HA! We should play photo tag so not only do you have to admit to these things, but you have to prove them. :) I hope you're doing well. Love ya!

Where The Wilds Things Are said...

I was once told I had diarrhea of the mouth too!!! It must have been a popular term used in the Davis County School District.

Nora Mair said...

I hate watermelon too. I love cantelope though...

Michelle said...

I lay out all my clothes too. I thinks it's part of my OCD. Or CDO (in alphabetical order like it should be.)

Charie and Jonathan Francom said...

Whitney! I learned some fun things too. I would love to see a picture of you in colored wranglers. Both Jonathan and I don't really like watermelon either but you feel like you should huh! Also at least you aren't as pathetic crier as I about when someone wins on the Price is RIght!

Kenon said...

Who doesn't hate cats? (sorry Jennie) I can totally picture the Wranglers with a white braided belt. I bet you looked hot. When exactly was that phase?

Whitney said...

Kenon, that phase started my senior year, took a short break while I was at BYU-Hawaii and continued until I met Steve! Just needed to get me a Wyomin' boy!

Jenny-ology said...

Who hates watermelon anyway?
That is hilarious about the cowgirl thing. I agree with the cats thing- they scratch you if they don't like you and they scratch you if they do like you- that's definetly a lose-lose.