Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween

We had a very fun and busy Halloween. I decided to make Jane a rabbit. She got her two big front teeth first and I thought I should just embrace it! Since she was a rabbit, Claire had to be Alice in Wonderland. I think she was born to wear the costume. I let my boys be whatever they wanted and they chose to be nerds. They think they are just hilarious (probably got that from their parents who think they are funnier than anyone else does) and really got into character. I didn't realize how much they had gotten into it until I got to the school parade. Before the children march around the auditorium, they first line up across the stage. Each class follows their teacher across the stage and then lines up and waves or smiles at their parents. I few really excited kids did a little bow. I almost died when Scott's class lined up and Scott began doing wild and crazy nerd moves. He was pumping his arms and flexing his muscles. I couldn't believe it. Everyone was laughing! I was glad I was in a witch costume with a green face and fake nose. Boy was I shocked when Brock's class came marching in and he started in with the moves. He made Scotty's muscle flexing look mild! He stayed in character through the entire promenade around the cafeteria, waving and hunched over and marching to the beat. I would give anything to have to have a video to post. Even my little Bear was smiling and waving as she floated through the line. I just can't say where they get it from! I was such a shy and reserved child :)!